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MASS MoCA economic impact report
(downloads as a .pdf file)

Culture Builds Community: The Power of the Arts Culture Builds Community
A Guide to Partnership Community Empowerment Manual

“Dealing with Neighbhorhood Change: A Primer on Gentrification and Policy Choices,” by Maureen Kennedy and Paul Leonard. A discussion paper prepared for the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, April 2001.

Creative Community: the Art of Cultural Development by Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard
Published by Rockefeller Foundation Creativity and Culture Division, 2002

The Ecology of the Imagination in Childhood, by Edith Cobb
Columbia University Press, 1977, First Spring Publications, 1993

Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism by Fredric Jameson
Duke University Press, 1997

The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry, by Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison, New York, Basic Books, Inc., 1982

HOLDING GROUND: The Rebirth of Dudley Street, a film produced and directed by Leah Mahan and Mark Lipman. New Day Films

Disappearing Into North Adams, by Joe Manning
Flatiron Press, Florence, MA, 2001

Steeples, by Joe Manning, Florence, MA
Flatiron Press, Florence, MA, 1997

MASS MoCA: From Mill to Museum, North Adams, MA
MASS MoCA Press, 2001

Art Show, Youth & Community, by Shirley Brice Heath (a book and video tape).

The Creative Economy: A Blueprint for Investment in New England's Creative Economy, June 2001.

Arts and Economic Prosperity: The Economic Impact of NonProfit Arts Organizations and Their Audiences, Americans for the Arts.

The Role of the Arts in Economic Development, National Governor's Association, 2001.



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